Wednesday, May 6, 2020

An Analysis Of The Of The Night By F. Scott...

It s been a few days since Aaron and I almost had sex and I regret it. Not the almost sex, but the fact that we didn t have sex. However, I was also glad because unlike Hades, Aryan didn t force me to have sex. Not that Aryan is anything like Hades. Hades is a fucking monster and compared to him, Aryan is an angel sent from Heaven. I also remember when Aryan indirectly confessed his love for me but I think it was mostly the lust talking. I mean, we only know each other for a couple of weeks now. Hardly any time to know someone and fall in love with them, I guess. I know what I feel for him is more than a little infactuation and I think he feels the same way. Maybe after living with me for a few more weeks will make him see that I am just a broken girl who can t ever be loved because of all the things I have done, even if the said things were done against my will. However, the thought of him being in love with me gives me goosebumps every single time. I know I can fall in love with him if I spend a little more time with him but that s me. I love everything and I find good in everyone. Too bad, I suffered because of Hades. The past me was a happy-go-lucky girl but the time changed everything in me or so I think, anyways. Being near Aryan is bringing the old me back and I can t decide if I like it or not. Boo! I gasped and quickly turned around only to find Agent Waters laughing while Aryan was standing behind him with a serious face. Oi! I exclaimed. DonShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The Night Of The Flies By F. Scott Fitzgerald989 Words   |  4 Pagestired wit and dreadful chuckles of each man at the table, they continued to play. The police pulled the latch from the door, opening it to the pitiful sight of the gathering. With little persistentance and pocket watches at waist ticking towards the night. The police came along Chaining each of them and hardly being able to place chains upon the shaking hands of the boy. Sized up by sandy hair, and look of panic well dressed by the hem of his coat and the cold of his skin; one would hardly find troubleRead MoreAnalysis Of The Poem The Night By F. Scott Fitzgerald814 Words   |  4 PagesJeremy,   You make me smile and you aren t even here... I love you SO MUCH JEREMY.   The day I landed  in front  of you,  Your cupid BASICALLY was sitting on your lap that day flexing his biceps and my cupid was nowhere to be found. Until I looked in your eyes Yours did a little number on his harp. Well of course mine flamboyantly climbed out of me slowly, dusted himself off, slowly stretching and opening his eyes. Yours grabbed him by his wings quite fiercely,  French kissed him, chest bumped, hipRead MoreAnalysis Of The Story The Night By F. Scott Fitzgerald Essay773 Words   |  4 Pagesconsciousness? What does the narrator suggest by using this simile and subsequent description? â€Å"From these latter attacks I awoke slowly. Just as the day dawns to the friendless and houseless beggar who roams the streets throughout the long desolate winter night—just so tardily—just so wearily—just so cheerily came back the light of the Soul to me.† It suggests another reason for his dark and twisted mindset. 4. As the narrator experiences fear, what techniques does Poe use to create suspense for the readerRead MoreAnalysis Of The Movie The Night By F. Scott Fitzgerald1182 Words   |  5 PagesSusan and Beth continued to share a bedroom in Texas, and a bit of mischief was never far behind. ~ Throughout the house, the soft sounds of a hard ball dropping into a mitt could be heard over and over again. Walking around or lying on the floor watching TV, Sam tossed his only baseball all summer long. Sam the Pro, was always organizing a baseball game down at the church lot, the furthest distance the two youngest were allowed to go from their backyard. He was always the captain, always the pitcherRead MoreAnalysis Of The End Of The Night By F. Scott Fitzgerald Essay1679 Words   |  7 Pagesenveloping darkness. It was proof he wasn’t ready to give up, no matter how hard the road ahead might be, and it was that distant glimmer that kept him pushing forward, one slow step at a time toward wellness. He was nervous about his upcoming boys’ night out with Doug, and while he recognized it wasn’t a huge leap forward, it was a leap forward nonetheless, and he felt immensely proud of himself for agreeing to it. Only a few days ago, he would have conjured up som e lame excuse as to why he couldn’tRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book The Night By F. Scott Fitzgerald1503 Words   |  7 Pagesfinally have you home again!† Dad exclaimed, giving me a hug before we took our places at the table. We exchanged stories as we ate our food. I told everyone how I got expelled and James and Sirius told me what that had been doing all summer. That night I went to bed exhausted from the long day it had been. Boy was this year going to be great. Read MoreAnalysis Of The Book The Of The Night By F. Scott Fitzgerald1514 Words   |  7 Pagesâ€Å"....What?† Kaz looked up at Ocelot from the pile of papers that he was working on his desk. â€Å"What you heard, Miller. Do I need to repeat it?† Ocelot sat at the edge of the desk on Kaz’s side crossing his legs. He always did this when he wanted a favor from the Commander. Kaz put his pen down and looked up at him. â€Å"I thought I just heard that you wanted me to help you hook up Quiet with Buffalo.† â€Å"Right.† â€Å"No way† Kaz declined Ocelot’s proposal and turned his attention back to the orders ofRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book Of The Night By F. Scott Fitzgerald1371 Words   |  6 Pages -Flashback- Come on Madison lets go play Nathan smiled pulling me up from the couch. I sighed and followed him outside to where the other pack kids were playing. 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